Persons of the Year—2025

Woman of the Year

Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah


For more than 10 years, HM Queen Rania of Jordan has been the no.1 most influential Muslim woman in the world (in her own private capacity, not as Queen of Jordan) on social media, in terms of statistics and followers. After the war in Gaza started post October 7th 2023, HM Queen Rania has emerged as a powerful and eloquent voice for justice and humanity in the face of the ongoing slaughter of Palestinian civilians. Her relentless efforts to change Western perceptions of the Palestinian cause, especially amidst the intense Israeli public relations campaigns, have made her a formidable force in global discourse. Being of Palestinian descent, she emerged as the only ‘Palestinian’ voice in the world—certainly the only woman—capable of presenting the plight of Palestinians in top Western media outlets, in an acceptable and reason-based way. Together with Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef, and various TikTok videos, she was largely responsible for changing public opinion in the world about the plight of civilians in Gaza.

Changing Western Perception:
Queen Rania’s Strategic Advocacy

In a climate where much of the Western world was initially swayed by Israeli narratives that painted Palestinians as aggressors or terrorists, Queen Rania intervened. She addressed the misinformation and offered a counter-narrative that highlighted the suffering of the Palestinian people, the civilian toll of the conflict, and the pressing need for a just resolution. Her advocacy was particularly significant given the effectiveness of Israeli public relations efforts, which included widely circulated but later discredited stories, such as the claim that Hamas had beheaded 40 babies. By speaking out against these narratives, Queen Rania helped to dismantle some of the falsehoods that had gained traction in Western media.

Through a series of high-profile interviews and public statements, Queen Rania challenged the validity of these claims. She pointed out the dangerous consequences of such false narratives, which fuel hatred and escalate violence. Her efforts to bring attention to the Palestinian experience, to humanize their suffering, and to call for an end to the conflict resonated deeply with audiences worldwide, especially in Western nations where the Israeli narrative had been largely unchallenged.

Queen Rania embarked on a strategic media campaign to change the perception of the conflict in Gaza. She appeared on major international platforms, including interviews with CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and The New York Times, where she expressed her concerns about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Her eloquent and emotionally compelling messages reached millions, and she was able to provide a balanced perspective on the conflict that was often missing in mainstream media.

In these interviews, Queen Rania was clear and consistent in her message: the world must recognize the humanity of the Palestinian people and seek a just solution that ensures their dignity and rights. She challenged Western leaders and audiences to look beyond the headlines and propaganda and to consider the human cost of the conflict. Her ability to speak directly to Western audiences, often in their language and on their platforms, allowed her to reach people who may not have been previously exposed to the Palestinian perspective.

Voices Supporting Total Destruction and Queen Rania’s Response

Amidst the conflict, there were strong calls from various voices in the United States and Israel for drastic military action against Gaza. Statements from Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as some American political figures, expressed support for actions that could lead to the complete destruction or expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza. Some compared the scale of the proposed military response to using “nuclear bombs” in terms of the devastation it would cause.

Queen Rania stood out as a powerful counter-voice to these genocidal positions. She condemned the indiscriminate bombing and called for restraint, reminding the world that the vast majority of those suffering in Gaza were innocent civilians, including women and children. Her message was clear: the international community must uphold its commitment to human rights and the principles of international law.

Her advocacy was particularly effective because it was not just political but also deeply personal. As a mother, Queen Rania spoke passionately about the children caught in the conflict, emphasizing their innocence and their right to safety, education, and a future free from violence. She highlighted the psychological and physical trauma being inflicted on a new generation of Palestinians, making it harder for the world to ignore the human cost of the conflict.

Pushing Back Against Israeli PR: Queen Rania’s Strategic Allies

Queen Rania was not alone in her efforts to change Western perceptions. She was joined by other influential voices, such as Bassem Youssef, an Egyptian comedian and political commentator known for his sharp wit and fearless criticism. Together, they provided a formidable counter-narrative to Israeli public relations campaigns that often dominated Western media. Youssef’s comedic approach complemented Queen Rania’s more diplomatic and heartfelt appeals, and resonated with a wide range of audiences.

While Israeli public relations efforts were well-funded and extensive, the combined voices of Queen Rania, Youssef, and other advocates began to shift the conversation. They used humour, empathy, and factual evidence to challenge false narratives and to call for a more balanced understanding of the conflict. Their efforts made it more difficult for misinformation to go unchallenged and helped to create a more nuanced conversation about the realities on the ground in Gaza.

HM Queen Rania’s Social Media Accounts:

Instagram: Queen Rania has around 10.4 million followers. Her Instagram account is very active, featuring photos and videos from her public appearances, family moments, and advocacy work.

X (Twitter): On Twitter, she has approximately 10 million followers. She uses this platform to share her thoughts on current events, human rights, and global issues.

Facebook: Queen Rania has around 18.2 million followers on Facebook, where she shares a mix of personal updates, speeches, and posts about her humanitarian and social initiatives.

YouTube: Her YouTube channel has about 250,000 subscribers, and it features videos of her speeches, interviews, and other official activities.

Adding up these figures, Queen Rania has over 38 million followers across Instagram, X (Twitter), Facebook, and YouTube.

Some Key TV Interviews and Speeches:

CNN Interview (October 2023): Queen Rania spoke with Christiane Amanpour, discussing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and calling for an immediate ceasefire.

CBS News Interview (November 2023): She appeared on “Face the Nation,” emphasizing the need for humanitarian aid and challenging some narratives about the conflict.

BBC Interview (November 2023): Queen Rania spoke about the humanitarian situation in Gaza and the need for a peaceful resolution.

On September 7th, 2024  at the 50th European House Ambrosetti Forum, Italy, Queen Rania made a powerful argument calling out the world’s double standards and doublespeak as regards Palestinian human rights and Israel.

On September 22nd, 2024 at the One World Summit, Montreal, Canada, Queen Rania presented a cogent overview of Israel’s collective punishment of the Gazans and the subhuman and dire humanitarian conditions they are suffering under.

On September 23rd, 2024 at an event by Save the Children in New York, USA, Queen Rania gave a powerful and moving speech entitled “Shattered Futures in the Occupied Palestinian Territory-Children’s Perspective.”

ABC Interview (September 2024): Queen Rania spoke with Linsey Davis on ABC News and said that the realities of the war on Gaza are setting new precedents in the world. She also warned of the dangerous escalations in Lebanon.

Man of the Year

Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah

Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah is a leading figure in the medical community and a powerful advocate for Palestinian rights. His relentless work in Gaza during the ongoing genocide has brought global attention to the humanitarian crisis there, and his tireless efforts to seek justice for Palestinians continue to resonate globally. 

Education and Early Career

Born into a Palestinian family, Dr Abu-Sittah began his journey in medicine at the University of Glasgow, where he earned his medical degree. He further specialized in plastic and reconstructive surgery in the United Kingdom. He completed a Master’s degree in War Surgery from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and a fellowship in craniofacial surgery at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.

Dedication to the Disadvantaged: Medical Work in Gaza

Dr Abu-Sittah has dedicated much of his career to providing medical care in some of the world’s most challenging environments. Since 2007, he has regularly travelled to Gaza to perform life-saving surgeries and offer medical assistance under extremely dangerous and difficult conditions. 

His contributions extend beyond patient care; he has been instrumental in training local medical staff, ensuring sustainable, high-quality healthcare in the region. Through workshops, lectures, and hands-on training, he has built local capacity and empowered Palestinian healthcare workers to manage complex medical situations—an especially critical need in Gaza, where medical resources are often severely limited due to the ongoing blockade and war.

Gaza 2023: Courage Under Fire

Dr Abu-Sittah’s most impactful and widely recognized work came during the Israeli bombardment of Gaza in October 2023. As the Head of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the American University of Beirut Medical Center, he made the courageous decision to travel to Gaza at the height of the conflict.

For over 40 days, Dr Abu-Sittah worked tirelessly at Al-Ahli and Al-Shifa hospitals, performing countless surgeries under extreme conditions, including severe shortages of medical supplies, power outages, and the constant threat of bombardment. His expertise in treating complex war injuries was pivotal in saving the lives and limbs of many Palestinians trapped in the conflict. His daily updates on social media provided a window into the dire situation in Gaza’s hospitals, humanizing the conflict and drawing global attention to the suffering of civilians and medical workers.

One of the most harrowing experiences he recounted was the evacuation of Al-Shifa Hospital, where he described the heartbreaking decisions faced by medical staff over which patients to evacuate and which to leave behind, due to Israeli attacks.

Advocacy for the Palestinian Cause: Speaking Truth to Power

Beyond his work in the operating room, Dr Abu-Sittah is a vocal advocate for Palestinian rights. He has made it his mission to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and other occupied Palestinian territories, frequently appearing in international media outlets like Al Jazeera, BBC, and CNN, to highlight the dire conditions faced by Palestinians and the impact of the Israeli occupation and blockade on public health.

In his interviews and public appearances, Dr Abu-Sittah consistently calls for a political solution to the crisis, advocating for an end to the occupation and speaking out against human rights abuses, war crimes, and the collective punishment of Palestinians. His voice has been vital in countering misleading narratives and ensuring the Palestinian perspective is heard on the global stage.

Dr Abu-Sittah has also taken his advocacy to political arenas, including the UK Parliament, where he provided compelling testimony on human rights and international law violations as well as the devastating impact of the blockade on life in Gaza. His testimonies challenge policymakers to reconsider their positions on the Palestinian issue and to adopt a more just and ethical approach to the conflict.

Banned in Germany and Legal Victories Against Opponents

Dr Abu-Sittah’s advocacy for Palestinian rights has not been without controversy. His outspoken stance on Israeli policies and the human rights situation in Gaza has made him a target of political opposition. In May 2024, he was banned from giving a seminar in Germany, a move criticized as an attempt to silence a prominent Palestinian voice. The ban sparked outrage among human rights activists and academics worldwide, who saw it as an infringement on free speech and academic freedom.

Undeterred, Dr Abu-Sittah fought back. He faced legal challenges from groups such as UK Lawyers for Israel, who sought to discredit his work and prevent him from speaking publicly. However, in a landmark case, Dr Abu-Sittah won, reaffirming his right to speak freely on issues of human rights and justice. This victory was also a triumph for free speech advocates and defenders of academic freedom everywhere.

Recognition and Honours Amidst Challenges

On 11 April, 2024, Dr Abu-Sittah was elected as the Rector of the University of Glasgow, a position nominated and elected by the university’s students. He secured over 80% of the votes, marking a record turnout. He has also been honoured by international medical organizations, with recognition from groups like Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and Amnesty International for his relentless pursuit of justice and dedication to providing care under the most difficult circumstances imaginable.

In 2019, he received the Palestinian Order of Merit for his exceptional service to the people of Gaza and his continued advocacy for their rights. His efforts have made him a symbol of resistance and compassion, embodying the spirit of resilience that characterizes the Palestinian struggle.

Man of the Year: A Symbol of Resilience and Advocacy

Dr Abu-Sittah is celebrated as Man of the Year not only for his courageous medical work, but also for his unwavering advocacy for justice for Palestinians. Despite facing threats, bans, and attempts to discredit his work, he remains steadfast in his commitment to the cause. His resilience serves as an inspiration to all who believe in the fundamental right of every human being to live in peace and dignity.