Erol Gelenbe studied in Türkiye and the USA, and held Professorships at the University of Liege (Belgium), the University of Paris-Saclay and Paris-Descartes, and named Chairs at NJIT, Duke, the University of Central Florida in the USA and Imperial College London. A pioneer in the field of modelling and performance evaluation of computer networks, the inventor of the random neural network, the G-networks, and the Cognitive Packet Network, he is currently Professor in the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and Chair of the Academia Europaea Informatics Section. Also affiliated with the University of Cote d’Azur, CNRS I3S (Nice), Research Professor at Yasar University, Izmir, Türkiye, and Honorary Professor University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, he has graduated 95 PhDs and received multiple fellowships, awards and honours for his work