Dr Timothy Winter (Abdal-Hakim Winter)
Dr Timothy Winter (Abdal-Hakim Winter)

Professor Timothy Winter, also known as Sheikh Abdal Hakim Murad, is an academic who has been actively involved in Islamic initiatives globally over the past four decades.

Birth: 1 November 1960 (Age: 64)

Source of Influence: Preachers & Spiritual Guides, Scholarly

Influence: Scholarly, Preacher, Administration of Religious Affairs

School of Thought: Sunni

Status: Not featured in current year


Professor Timothy Winter, also known as Sheikh Abdal Hakim Murad, is an academic who has been actively involved in Islamic initiatives globally over the past four decades.

Academic: He is the Sheikh Zayed Lecturer of Islamic Studies in the Faculty of Divini­ty at Cambridge University and Director of Studies in Theology at Wolfson College. He has published and contributed to numerous academic works on Islam and among his best-known works are transla­tions from Imam Al-Ghazali’s Ihya’, a series of aphorisms (Commentary on the Eleventh Contentions) and his most recent book, Travelling Home: Essays on Islam in Europe which was published in 2020.

Educator: He is the founder of the Cambridge Muslim College, which has offered Diploma courses for British Dar Al-Ulum graduates and now has an accredited BA programme which is offered to grad­uate religious leaders who are confident, competent and conversant with the issues of the age. He is a much sought-after speaker and contributes regularly to the media and is fluent in several languages. Hundreds of YouTube videos of his lectures and talks form an important source of knowledge for English-speaking Muslims. His Paradigms of Leadership lecture series focuses on exemplary figures in Islamic history and has proved to be particularly popular.

Cambridge Mosque: Professor Winter has been the main force behind the decade-long project to build the Cambridge Central Mosque. The mosque repre­sents an authentic Islamic design contextualised to its location and times. It is Europe’s first eco-mosque, having been designed with a high degree of environmental sustainability. It also incorporates a café and meeting rooms for use by the whole community. The mosque opened in April 2019 and has taken its place as an iconic standard for all places of worship in the UK.