Sheikh Dr Ibrahim Saleh Al-Hussaini is currently the head of the Supreme Council for Fatwa and Islamic Affairs in Nigeria and a memÂber of the Muslim Council of Elders which emÂbraces prominent scholars.
Sheikh Dr Ibrahim Saleh Al-Hussaini is currently the head of the Supreme Council for Fatwa and Islamic Affairs in Nigeria and a memÂber of the Muslim Council of Elders which emÂbraces prominent scholars.
Birth: 11 May 1938 (Age: 86)
Source of Influence: Administration of Religious Affairs, Scholarly
Influence: Scholarly
School of Thought: Sunni, Traditional Sunni
Status: Featured in current year
Sheikh Dr Ibrahim Saleh Al-Hussaini is currently the head of the Supreme Council for Fatwa and Islamic Affairs in Nigeria and a memÂber of the Muslim Council of Elders which emÂbraces prominent scholars.
Early Studies: Sheikh Ibrahim was born in Borno State in north-eastern Nigeria in 1938 and started his quest for knowledge at a very young age by acÂcompanying his father, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Salih bin Yunus Al-Nawwy. He lost his father at the age of seven, and so completed his initial studies at the SuÂpreme Islamic Institute in Nigeria and then studied at the hands of renowned scholars in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, India, Pakistan, Senegal, Niger and Sudan.
Scholar: Sheikh Ibrahim lectures in the fields of tafsir (exegesis) and hadith as well as Islamic Sciences, jurisprudence and ethics. He has authored over 100 written works. He has held and still heads several significant positions, some of which are: founder and mentor of the Islamic Renaissance OrÂganization, Adviser to the Federal Government on its Islamic Affairs since 1992, Assistant Secretary-GenÂeral for African Affairs in the World Islamic Peopleâs Leadership 1989, and many more.
Current: He recently opened the Sheikh Sharif Ibrahim Saleh Islamic Centre, which will focus on teaching and research. Its aim is to âpromote a better understanding of contemporary challenges and how to face and handle such challenges in todayâs worldâ.