Tracing his lineage to the family of Ali, the fourth Caliph of Islam and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, Habib Ali Zain Al-Abideen Al-Jifri is a leading Islamic scholar and prominent speaker in the Muslim world. Al-Jifri is Director General of the Tabah Foundation in the UAE, member of the board of Dar al-Mustafa in Yemen, member of the Royal Aal Al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought in Jordan, and is affiliated with various other international Islamic organizations.
Beginnings: Habib Ali was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to a family with ancestral roots in Yemen. From his early childhood he was nurtured in the Islamic sciences by distinguished teachers, starting with his mother’s great aunt, Safiyya bint Hasan Al-Jifri, a scholar of Islamic sciences and a spiritual educator.
Ba Alawi school: Al-Jifri is part of a tradition that has been based in Yemen for over 1,000 years. His numerous teachers include the late scholars and spiritual masters Habib Abdul-Qadir bin Ahmad Al-Saqqaf and Habib Ahmad Mashhur bin Taha Al-Haddad, as well as the current leader of the Ba Alawi, Sheikh Habib Umar (see p. ???). Habib Ali often teaches at Dar al-Mustafa in Tarim, Yemen, and also travels all over the world meeting his students and giving lectures. Al-Jifri’s counselling is also in demand, and his spiritual insights have left a huge impression on many. His guidance is based on incorporating as much of the sunnah into one’s daily life as one can.
Think Tank: Al-Jifri founded the privately funded philanthropic Tabah Foundation for Islamic Studies and Research in Abu Dhabi, a non-profit institution that is a source of reputable work in Islamic research and thought. It applies traditional religious principles to analyse contemporary issues. Some of these have inevitably become controversial such as when he made statements against popular revolutions during the Arab Spring due to his belief that the preservation of peace and reducing bloodshed is paramount.
Worldwide Following: Habib Ali’s popularity has grown enormously over the past few years with over 15 million followers on different social media platforms. His inspirational speeches often leave many in tears, and his smile and gentleness touch all who meet him. He is constantly in demand and visits people from all socioeconomic levels, travelling the globe regularly. Despite not speaking English, he is in huge demand by English-speaking Muslims.